Friday 7 June 2019

Insomnia Treatment in Ayurveda

Insomnia Treatment

In Ayurvedic, Insomnia is known as "anidra". According to Ayurvedic doctors, the doshas and the pitha are the main reasons for giving you sleepless nights. It is a deprived condition where a person doesn't have proper rest and sleep, which affects your health and daily activities.
Some main causes of insomnia are a busy lifestyle, irregular sleeping cycles, Work stress, addiction to mobile phones and other kinds of devices. A balanced diet, restful sleep and simple lifestyle are the three main foundations of any Ayurvedic Insomnia treatment.

Ayurvedic Herbs for Insomnia Treatment

1. Ashwagandha Herb

It is used as an Ayurvedic medicine for providing vigor and energy. It helps in coordinating the reflexes of your mind and brain. And it results in getting good quality sleep. The natural Ayurvedic treatment for insomnia with Ashwagandha herb is a herbal powder. The dosage can be taken along with warm milk.

2. Brahmi Herb

This herb is a power-packed medicine for the human brain, which helps in improving your mental health. Brahmi is an effective tranquilizer and an excellent Ayurvedic medicine for insomnia. Just taking Brahmi tea or Brahmi powder before going to bed can induce a deep slumber.

3. Vacha Herb

Vacha herb is used to treat common ailments such as cold, headache and insomnia. In India, the herb is rubbed on a stone and the paste is given to tiny children for improving their memory and speech.

4. Valerian Herb

The valerian herb helps to clear out body toxins, especially from the blood vessels, colon, joints and nerve system. This flushing activity helps to rejuvenates and infuses new vitality in your body. However, valerian herb should be taken in combination with other herbal mixture.
At AP Clinic Vadodara, through its various activities, is dedicated to restoring and maintaining the lost balance of physical, mental, emotional & Spiritual levels.

Ayurvedic:  Tips on How to Enhance Infertility in Female

What is Infertility in Female?

Infertility in female is a condition that defines a woman inability to carry a full-time pregnancy after having unprotected sex for more than 6-12 months. Nowadays, Infertility is a common problem and demands immediate medical intervention. There are various treatments available that can cure infertility problems but, due to emerging side effects, most of the couples choose Ayurvedic medication treatment as their milestone to achieve parenthood.
General Causes of Infertility in Female:
  • Endometriosis
  • Ovulation problems
  • Polycystic ovarian syndrome
  • Poor egg quality
  • Blocked fallopian tubes
  • Sperm allergy
  • Combination fertility problems
  • Unexplained fertility problems
As per Ayurveda, the root cause of Infertility in female is either functional or structural deficiency. Hence, the treatment is based on the root cause of the condition and the Ayurveda provides for the curative treatment that can completely resolve the problem. So, there is no reason why one has to get upset or disappointed.

Ayurvedic Cure for Infertility in Female

Ayurveda treats the whole body and health instead of curing a specific ailment as experts believe our bodily functions have a huge impact on our physical and mental well-being. Therefore, the ayurvedic treatment is not just secluded to reproductive organs but healing all kinds of doshas.
The Ayurvedic concept believes that when Shakra Dhatu, which is producing eggs in female and sperms in men in a human being, lack of proper nutrition. The infertility causes can be lack of a balanced healthy diet, an increase of toxins in the body or poor digestion which clog our reproductive tract.
Also, Infertility can be triggered due to the presence of blockage in the fallopian tubes, uterine fibroids, complications in the cervical canal and polyps. Similarly, the infertility problem in male can be caused due to lack of hormonal secretion, insomnia, depression, and anxiety. Ayurvedic infertility treatment in Vadodara has a very holistic approach towards eliminating these blockages and balancing your doshas for a healthy reproductive lifecycle in male and female.
Click on below Video: How to Increase Fertility Naturally - BEXLIFE

5 Tips on How to Enhance Infertility in Female

1. Diet To Tackle Infertility

A person dealing with infertility conditions needs to follow a strict diet. Apart from avoiding spicy and excessively salt, Ayurveda recommends including the following foods in the patient's diet:
  • Whole Grains
  • Almonds
  • Fresh Vegetables
  • Fresh Fruits
  • Dried Fruits
  • Dairy products such as milk
All these foods help provide nutrition to Shukra dhatu, which in turn can help a person conceive.

2. Swedanam

The swedanam process includes numerous exercises to induce excessive sweating in the patient.
This ayurvedic treatment recommended for flushing the toxins out of the body.
Click on below Video:Natural Treatment for Infertility for Female | Top 4 Home Remedies for Infertility

3. Vamanam

Ayurvedic practice for vomiting as it aids with undigested food and ama.
Vamanam can be a challenging process of healing infertility condition. However, treatment results are always positive.

4. Banyan Tree Bark

Dry fig tree bark powder when consumed with some sugar becomes the best ayurvedic remedy to cure female Infertility. It is considered to be the best effective infertility cure in Ayurveda.

5. Shatavari

This is only woman medicine treatment, used in female infertility treatment in Ayurveda.
To know more about Ayurvedic Treatment for Infertility and other services visit our AP Clinic Centre today or Contact us on this (+91) 265 2420653 for an Appointment.

Insomnia Treatment in Ayurveda

In Ayurvedic, Insomnia is known as "anidra". According to Ayurvedic doctors, the doshas and the pitha are the main reasons f...