Sunday 8 October 2017

Ayurveda Treatment for Obesity

Obesity in Ayurveda


Ayurveda Treatment for Obesity
Obesity is the nutritional disorder of the modern age. It is characterized by excess accumulation of fat in the body. Continuous indulgence in fried foods, high fat, along with a sedentary lifestyle results in excessive fat getting blocked in various body channels. Obesity causes a number of metabolic disturbances such as hypertension, irregular digestion, diabetes etc. It can affect social life too. Overweight, if not controlled it, then it can lead to obesity.

Obesity Causes

Unnecessary weight gain is caused when people consume more calories than the body needs due to occurring most commonly due to eating high in fat and calories being sedentary or both. The imbalance between calories consumed and calories burned, however, can also be caused by some different obesity-related factors such as genetic, hormonal, behavioral, environmental and, to some extent, cultural. There are many factors causing obesity such as pregnancy, tumors as well as endocrine disorders and medications that include psychotic drugs, corticosteroids, estrogens and insulin.

Obesity Symptoms

1. Increased body fat
2. Breathlessness on exertion
3. Lethargy
4. Fatigue
5. Excessive sweating with bad smell

Ayurveda Treatment for Obesity

In Ayurvedic Obesity is caused by the aggravation of Kapha. Kapha is an Ayurvedic humour which is dense, sticky, heavy, slow, wet and cold in nature. It governs all the structure and lubrication in the mind and body apart from controlling the weight and formation of all the tissues - nutritive fluids, fat, muscles, blood, bones, marrow and reproductive tissues.

In a balanced state, Kapha doshas nourishes these tissues through various micro channels. However, when it is aggravated, Kapha leads to the production of toxins in the body. These toxins are heavy and dense in nature and accumulate in the weaker channels of the body, causing their blockage. In the case obese person, toxins accumulate in Medovahi Srotas, thereby leading to an increase in the production of fat tissue. When the body produces more fat tissues, it can cause an increase in weight.

The Ayurvedic obesity Therapy begins with the pacification of Kapha Dosha. It can be done by eliminating Kapha-aggravating foods from the diet. Next, the therapy also focuses on the cleansing of the Medovahi channels through the cleansing herbs so that excess weight can be reduced.

Ayurvedic Herbs to Reduce Obesity

Brahmi, Triphala and Garcinia cambogia are few of the many medicinal plants that help in weight reduction. Easily available turmeric, fresh curry leaves, mint and spices like ginger, black pepper, cinnamon are found to be very beneficial.

Diet Advice

1. Avoid high carbohydrates like potato and polished rice.
2. Avoid oily and fried foods, processed foods, fatty foods like butter, cheese, purified butter, whole-milk yoghurt, cream, chocolate, etc.
3. Increase intake of salads, fruits and vegetables.
4. Replace refined flour with whole-wheat flour and rice with parboiled rice or brown rice.
5. Take a tablespoon of honey daily with warm water. It is excellent for obesity.
6. Eat vegetables such as drumsticks and bitter gourd to control obesity.
7. Drink mint tea or green mint with some simple spices and eat during meals.
8. Few of the asanas or yoga postures for losing extra fat such as Dhanurasana, shalabasana, ardhamatsyendrasana, bhujangasana, trikonasana and vakrasana.

1 comment:

  1. Great! Thanks for sharing the information. That is very helpful for my knowledge in this field. benefits of triphala


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