Sunday 26 November 2017

Ayurvedic Tips for Glowing Skin in This Winter Season

Ayurvedic Tips for Glowing Skin
Ayurveda describes winter season as one of the times in the year, where the body has good strength and immunity.

You are familiar with the concept that everything in life including our bodies, the food and the environment around us is formed of the “Tridoshas”: Vata, Pitta and Kapha. These qualities, or principles of nature, each have their fundamental features. Vata, the principle of movement, is the ruling dosha for the late fall and winter seasons. These periods are marked by the same qualities that characterize Vata: coldness, dryness, lightness, and movement.

11 Ayurvedic Tips for Glowing Skin in This Winter Season

1. Avoid excessively hot water for bathing instead use warm water.

2. Pamper your skin with a soothing oil massage before bath. It not only keeps skin smooth and healthy but also gives immense relaxation.

Make sure you leave the oil for at least for the 30mins before bathing. Use oils such as Coconut oil, sesame oil, olive oil or almond oil.

3. Milk and milk products, wheat, meat and poultry, eggs, soups, herbal tea, coconut, walnuts, soaked almonds, pistachios all types of seeds which contain natural oil.

Increased use of jaggery in the diet helps to balance vata. Preparations like ladoos of fenugreek seeds, edible gum, dry dates, cashews in ghee prove healthy during winter.

4. Daily Water intake should also be increased. Juicy fruits and vegetables like carrot, lemon, cucumber, etc. which has high water content should be consumed.

5. Exercise increases the blood circulation and thus reduces vitiated Vata, and thereby improves digestion and ultimately leaves your skin soft.

6. Avoid harsh soaps, Use soaps with the high content of natural oils and glycerin which are soft for the skin. You can also use gram flour with milk or rose water.

7. A mixture of lime juice and glycerine can be stored in a clean and airtight bottle, apply this mixture daily and leave it on for at least an hour.

8. Anuvasan Basti is one of the Panchakarma which serves as excellent internal and external oleation. Abhyanga and Sweden not only smoothens the skin but also relaxes the entire body.

9. Facial pack with herbs like Shatavari, Yashtimadhu, Rose petals, Anantamool, Nagarmotha, Amla, Aloe-Vera in milk or cream leaves a great moisturising effect. You can apply this pack once or twice a week.

10. Herbs like Amla, Aloe, Shunthi, Manjishtha, Anantamool, Triphala, Chandan, Shatavari, Ashwagandha, have gentle detoxifying properties and also helps to maintain perfect moisturising balance.

11.  Amla murabba, Chyawanprash serves additional benefits when consumed in winter. Amla keeps you fit and replenishes your body not only in winter but always.

Some Additional Tips: Massage and Bath

1. Hot water usage

To counter the effect of winter, we recommended hot water for drinking and warm water bath.

2. Oil Massage

Oil massage is highly recommended. During winter body ache worsens (Cold weather- vata and pain increase). So, oil Massage helps to relax muscles and relieve aches and pains. It reduces dry skin, improves blood circulation

3. Palm Massage

It helps to keep good blood circulation to hands and legs. Once in a week, it is best to undergo just dry Palm massage.

4. Head Oil Massage

Oil massage of the head is needed on a regular basis to avoid dry scalp, dandruff, hair fall, headaches, worsening of a migraine etc., which are quite common during winter. After the massage, the oil is washed off with astringent powders and bathing.

Follow these simple tips, stay healthy and gift yourself with soft glowing skin in this winter season.

Monday 6 November 2017

Ayurvedic Remedies for Obesity

Obesity refers to excessive body fat. It occurs when the amount of calorie consumption exceeds the number of calories lost. Obesity is not just the cosmetic concern, but it is a serious condition that is associated with several health problems such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, Back Pain, bone diseases, etc. Obesity or overweight status is determined by Body Mass Index (BMI), which is further evaluated regarding fat distribution.

Causes of Obesity

The main cause of increased weight is the imbalance between a number of calories consumed and burnt. Unhealthy eating disorders, eating habits, high intake of calorie-rich food, physical inactivity, smoking, too much sitting, or illnesses increase the risk of becoming obese.

Important To Undergo Obesity Therapy

According to the world health organization report, overweight and obesity are the fifth leading causes of death worldwide. Obesity is a known risk factor for several chronic diseases including Diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, brain stroke, and some cancers. To reduce the risk of other illnesses associated with the obesity, it is essential to reduce weight.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Obesity

Ayurvedic Obesity Therapy is also be referred to as Ayurvedic loss weight treatment as the therapies focus on burning the stubborn fat, mobilize it and get it out from the body. Ayurvedic treatments result in assured inch loss without any side effects.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Obesity

Therapies for Obesity Treatment

1. Udvartanam

Udvartanam is a message that uses herbal powder mixed with warm oil. This paste is massaged on to the whole body with the special attention to areas of increased fat deposits. The strokes used in massage result in the scrapping and liquefaction of excess Kapha. The strokes further facilitate easy transportation of excess fat to the central eliminatory channels.

2. Kashaya Vasti

Kashaya Vasti involves enema using the medicated decoction. It helps in easy elimination of excess fats from the body.

3. Herbal Oral Medications

Oral medication containing Ayurvedic herbs such as  Commiphora Mukkul, Garcinia Cambogia, Bitumen has shown tremendous potential in inducing Weight Loss.

6 Best Weight Loss Tips to Remember

1. Practice mindful eating: Avoid eating while talking on a phone or watching TV.
2. Drink plenty water: It’s important to flush out the toxins
3. Don't skip meals: Instead, eat every 2 to 3 hours
4. Eat smartly at the social Events: While eating at parties or buffets, Take salads first. This way you will end up eating lesser calories.
5. Manage your stress: One of the culprits for that binge eating and snacking. Practice yoga, meditation or other methods to de-stress yourself.
6. Watch the calories and not portion size of meals: Foods with low calories such as vegetables and fruits have higher water content and more fiber. On the other hand, foods like salty snacks or even some baked goods are high in calorie although they are fat-free. So choose your foods wisely.

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